Read this if you’re taking steps at preventing pregnancy via the condom to maximize your chances of it working! Sooo many easy mistakes that can reduce the effectiveness of the condom!!
We all hate feeling bloated. Thankfully there are ways to help beat it - fast. Find out different ways to make you feel your best from diet advice, exercises to essential oils. There will be at least one thing you can try to get you back to normal.
Have you wondered what your OB/GYN thinks when you're at your visit? Hint hint - it's not about you being on your period or unshaved. Gynecologists want you to feel comfortable and want you to know that they're there to help, not judge. Read what these OB/GYNs want you to know when they're in their doctor mode and what goes through their minds.
We know what to (kinda) expect during labor and how cute it is to dress babies up in their first outfits -- but what about the few days after labor? This mom shares her after pregnancy journey in full transparency. Curious to know what your body might go through physically and emotionally? Read here.
Have you been thinking about booking that trip while at the end of your pregnancy? Not sure if you should do it because you have heard it's not good for the baby? Find out if traveling during late pregnancy is safe for you and tips to help plan your trip.
Are you currently pregnant or having your first baby? Have you ever wanted to know what happens to your vagina after you give birth? New moms don't like to talk about it - but don't fear, I am here to break the seal and tell you what to expect and tips to help with what's to come.
Childbirth should be a beautiful moment and full of happiness for everyone - but this is not always the case with preeclampsia. This condition affects only mothers post pregnancy and is currently on the rise. Read more about what preeclampsia is and factors may cause it.
Do you think you can get an STD from oral sex? Spoiler alert -- yes. STD's are commonly invisible and show no symptoms. It's scary, but this doesn't mean you shouldn't perform oral sex. Here are ways you can protect yourself and be aware.
It's commonly known that condoms help avoid sexually transmitted infections (STI), however, what about kissing -- can you get an STI from kissing? Spoiler alert -- yes, you can, but what are the chances? Find out what kind of STD you can get, what treatment is like and how to fully protect yourself here.
Setting high expectations for your diet at the beginning of your pregnancy might lead to disappointment. Pregnancy might throw constant curveballs, which means you'll just have to learn how to roll with the punches. For this mom, she explains how her workout schedule and healthy eating lifestyle went out the window during her pregnancy. So, is it okay to eat the pizza and ditch the salad from time to time? Find out here.
A lot of women freak out when Braxton Hicks contractions start hitting them and usually confuse them to be the beginning of labor. It's important to know how to identify these contractions and put your mind at ease for when they do. Find out here what Braxton Hicks contractions are and why pregnant women get them.
Did you know that women are more at risk for heart disease? It has also shown that heart disease risks can show during times like pregnancy and menopause. OB/GYNs know these huge risks and are taking preventative steps to help you live a healthier, longer life.
When it's that time of the month, we can all agree that the cramps and pain suck. If you're looking for natural remedies to help soothe your period symptoms, this will have you covered. From food to vitamins, to exercise, read to find some of the natural relievers.
So you've just been told that you have a soft cervix from your OB/GYN and you're wondering ––– what does this mean? What is it supposed to feel like? Should I be worried? Find out here.
Combined oral contraceptive pills can increase risks of blood clots and stroke… the risks of clots and strokes is higher if getting pregnant by the way.
What is ovulation? Why is ovulation important? What are some signs you’re ovulating?
Are you the type of person that finds it really hard to "chill out" or have a day to yourself? Relatable for many. However, if you're pregnant you must give your body enough time to rest with all of the work it's doing inside of you. Read here about what happened to a mom when she kept trying to do her day as if she wasn't pregnant.
With struggles of becoming pregnant and both having miscarriages, these twin sisters became pregnant at the same time and gave birth the same day. To make the story better, they were next to each other as they brought their new babies into the world. However, they raised an important question: can miscarriages be genetic? Read to learn about the twin's journey and how genetics can play a part in your pregnancy.
Should you believe everything you read or see? Maybe use it to prompt your thinking and to gain knowledge… learn about blue waffle disease…or the things that are real that prompts searching out knowledge
Beginning with puberty, your body will go through multiple changes as it becomes older - this includes your boobs. As your girls change with age, it's important to understand what to expect and what cancerous red flags you should look out for. Read here to learn potential changes your breasts may go through throughout your life.
Does breast cancer come with taking birth control? A recent study shows that there is a relationship between taking the pill and cancer, however, not by an alarming rate. So, should you drop the daily pill? Talking with your doctor about your concerns and the type of lifestyle you want will make an easy decision for you. Read to find out what benefits and risks come with birth control and to help put your mind at ease.
Be careful when you have an IUD not to pull the string! Menstrual cups are great, but consider this if you have an IUD!
Pregnancy can be different from baby to baby, and for the Flirty Dancing host, Jenna Dawson, she agrees. Read here to learn what is considered "normal" for other future pregnancies and how your first can clue you in on some things.
Did you know that excessive exercise can prevent your period from coming each month? This can make starting a family extremely difficult, which is the case for Tina Muir, a marathoner. This condition is called amenorrhea and can be caused for multiple reasons. To learn more about amenorrhea and how it's caused, read here.
Diastasis recti, the separation of the abdominal muscles, is a potential result of pregnancy and affects about 30% of women after childbirth. Although women don't commonly talk about this condition, it's important to expect the unexpected to avoid unnecessary stress. Read here to learn why some women get it, how to figure out if your abs have separated, and tips to help you reverse a diastasis.
About 80 million people in the United States have HPV, and unfortunately, some strains are known to cause cancer in the reproductive and digestive systems. However, there is a vaccine that can help prevent this viral infection and its' cancers. Learn what side effects to expect after getting the Gardasil vaccine and how it can significantly reduce your risk of developing future cancers.
Is birth control 100% effective? No, unless your contraception choice is abstinence. What affects the efficacy of birth control options?
Does the idea of putting a wasp nest up your vagina sound comforting to you? Me neither. However, these nests aren't being sold and labeled as "wasp nests," but as "oak galls." Read here to learn why women are doing this and if it's even a good idea to put anything in your vagina.
Does your butt tend to hurt while you're on your period? Don't worry -- you're not alone. Maybe you've noticed it or ignored it, but there are ways you can help sooth your toosh. Here are some reasons why our periods cause butt pain and ways to help you get rid of it.
Pelvic exams are important to be able to determine if you’re healthy by checking a pap smear, or checking for abnormal masses or tenderness. What is involved in a pelvic exam? Why is it uncomfortable? What’s a speculum?
Do you feel too embarrassed to ask your gynecologist whatever you want? Well, you're not alone. Bodies are complicated and sensitive, which is why we want you to be able to ask anything. There is nothing to be afraid of- we have heard everything. Here are some of the most common "embarrassing" questions.
There’s no exact amount of alcohol that’s been proven safe to drink during pregnancy…and even though it says non-alcoholic, what amount of alcohol could still be in there? To play it safe, save it for after your little one is out of the uterus.
C-sections are very common and account for more than 30% of deliveries in the United States, so why do women feel ashamed to have one? To remove the stigma around this lifesaving procedure, these moms share their c-section experiences and share uplifting messages to other women on their pregnancy journey.
The FDA has warned women against vaginal rejuvenation procedures as they become more popular. If you're looking at having any vaginal rejuvenation procedures to be done, you should consult your doctor and talk about potential benefits and risks. Read more about why the FDA is against this procedure and how some women are becoming hurt by it.
It's true - you can pass a yeast infection to your partner even though it's not a sexually transmitted infection. It's important to know what signs to look out for and that men can receive it as well. Read here to learn more about what a yeast infection is and how to deal with it (or try to avoid it.)
When deciding to have a baby, we tend to think about what it's like during the nine-month pregnancy and of course, during labor. However, do we think about what it's like postpartum? For this mom, she didn't think peeing on herself would be a thing, but it happens sometimes. Read here about why this happens and how you can talk to your doctor about it.
Imagine waiting in the waiting room for your delivery suite to open up, and you see another expecting mom doing squats. You'd think that labor is a workout enough as it is -- but not for this mom. Whatever floats your boat to deal with the beginning of your labor process, many doctors recommend doing whatever it takes to help you feel comfortable. Read this woman's story on how she dealt with her labor nerves and some other tips on what you can do if working out isn't your thing.
Who would want a progestin only contraception method and what exactly is it? If you have a history of migraines with aura or other concerns you may want to read this article!
As your belly starts to grow, the guessing game of if it's a boy or girl begins based on the shape. That's hard to justify -- but what if pregnancy weight gain actually determines the size of your baby? Learn how weight gain can affect your pregnancy and foods to help you have a healthy baby.
Ever wondered why you see brown discharge before or after your period? There are many different reasons why this happens -- it's just one of the many processes of your menstrual cycle. Put your mind at ease and learn here about why this happens.
Miscarriages make a lasting impact on those affected… read about the taboos associated with miscarriage and ways to see things differently to help with healing
Cardi B had to cancel part of her tour due to this one annoying part of pregnancy -- shortness of breath. It's important to listen to your body and realize when you should reduce some of your normal activities. Read here to learn why pregnancy causes shortness of breath, how to get through it and when you should be concerned.
So, you have started to notice that things down there aren't as tight as they used to be. Either it's from it naturally weakening over time or you just had a baby, you want to find solutions to help your vagina going back to how it used to be. Heres the solution that may help: kegel exercises. Read here to learn the best products for this technique and when you should and shouldn't do it.
Imagine delivering a baby before going into your own labor. Wrap your head around that one. Amanda Hess, D.O., is an OB/GYN in Kentucky and did just that. Read how this superhero was able to be bring one family's new baby into the world and then bring in her own.
Are you one of the many women confused about when you should get your Pap smear done? Since the guidelines have changed, many ladies aren't sure when to get checked -- but fear not! Read here to learn what a Pap smear is and how often you should get one to make sure everything is good down there.
Have you already experienced severe leg cramping during your pregnancy? Usually, they come around the last trimester (as if pregnancy wasn't already hard enough.) Here are some ways to help prevent leg cramps and to help you get through them.
If you get a sniff of something fishy down there, that's your body asking for help. Even though it's awful, it's pretty common and usually has a simple reason behind it. Read here to learn why this happens and what steps you should take to get rid of this fishy odor.
Most women have apps that tell us exactly when our periods are coming, but when it doesn't come, it can cause some stress. The first reaction is to take a pregnancy test, but what if that comes back negative? Your period is linked to what's going on in your life and can be caused by many things besides pregnancy. If this happens to you, here are some reasons it may be caused and what steps you should take.
Did you feel concerned about your first visit to the OB/GYN? A survey done by Orlando Health found that almost half of young women are concerned about their first OB/GYN visit. It's important to educate young woman about feminine health and that there is nothing to be afraid of when going to the first OB/GYN appointment. Here are some common concerns that many women felt and ways to help conversation flow between you and your doctor.
Shortness of breath is common when it comes to having a multiple birth. Oh, pregnancy - when you thought all the other symptoms were enough - then shortness of breath hits you. Even though this condition is common, you should be concerned if you're actually struggling to breathe. Read here to learn at one point you should talk to your doctor.
Sorry ladies - toothpaste will not help with saggy boobs. Many YouTube influencers have recommended toothpaste to bring your girls back to life. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to help prevent the inevitable (thanks gravity). Instead, here are other things you can do for your breasts that are realistic.
Did you know that most hospitals allow you to pick a few people to help support you during labor? Picking the right people is crucial for your labor and your comfort. Read here to learn the different types of roles the few selected people may play during your labor.
Did you know that there is an actual term for when women don't know they're far in their pregnancy? It's called cryptic pregnancy. Although it's not very common, it still happens. Read here to learn how this it is caused.
If you keep up with the Kardashians, then you know about Kim's pregnancy complications. During an interview with Allure, she opened up about her battle with preeclampsia and placenta accreta. To learn more about these pregnancy complications and Kim's battle that led to her choice of using surrogacy for her third child, read here.
During pregnancy, your body will go through multiple transformations, however, it's normal to feel a little weird about it at first. Instead of being so concerned with how you used to look, try to take it as a freeing experience and focus on it being an empowering moment. Read here to learn what it took for Rosie Huntington-Whiteley to get past the body changes and how she learned to "let the reigns go."
Does it matter if you wear thongs in pregnancy?
Khloé Kardashian didn't like that with her pregnancy, an outie belly button came with it. During your pregnancy, your belly button may change, or in Khloé's case, become an outie. Want you know why this happens? Read here.
Periods are already annoying, but for some, mid-cycle pain is another kicker during a menstrual cycle. Mittelschmerz happens during ovulation and causes mid to high levels of pain for those that experience it. However, if you experience this intense pain randomly, you should call your doctor. To learn more about Mittelschmerz and tips to help soothe your pain, read here.
According to Statista, more than 10 million Americans used an at-home pregnancy test during 2017. Think about how many of those plastic tests ended up at the landfill. Well now, a new biodegradable at-home pregnancy test has been created called Lia. So, if you're cautious about making the world a cleaner place, learn about Lia here and when it's best to take a pregnancy test.
Miscarriages are extremely hard for families and "why" it happened can linger for a long time. However, now there is hope with a new genetic test can help determine what cause was. Read here to learn the mysteries of miscarriages, how the test works and how this test can give future women some answers.
Are you afraid of how your social life may change after your little one is born? Afraid of feeling ashamed for leaving them home while you enjoy a night out? Well, you shouldn't. There are many benefits to enjoying time for yourself that would tremendously help many emotional and psychological factors. Read here to learn why you should take advantage of any time you can to live your life.
Sometimes when you're too early in your pregnancy, tests won't show that you're positive. We can all agree that if you are pregnant, you'd want to know right away. Here are six signs to look out for during early pregnancy that is surprising.
Did you know that the effects of pregnancy can last up to nine months after labor? Miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies can leave behind huge impacts on your mental health. Read here to learn exactly what miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies are and what you can do to help your mental state.
What’s a cryptic pregnancy? It’s rare…although it may be nice to not feel the pregnancy symptoms there are some risks associated with this type of pregnancy other than not having your baby nursery prepared.
Breaking the stigma that woman shouldn't work out while pregnant, Alysia Montaño competed at the USA Track & Field Outdoor Championships while five months pregnant. Not saying you have to compete at high-level competitions or exercise -- but should you exercise while pregnant? Read and find out what doctors had to say about Alysia Montaño's Wonder Woman act.
Did you know that 1 in 5 people have a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? So, if you're sexually active and you notice something out of the ordinary, it could be a symptom of an STI. From pain during sex to abnormal discharge, here are 7 STI symptoms you should keep in the back of your mind.
Who’s ever heard of a “husband stitch” when repairing the vagina after a natural delivery?
Miscarriage affects every person who experiences it differently and can mean something different to each one as well. Researchers have found that woman that have experienced miscarriage or ectopic pregnancies are more likely to have PTSD. Read an article first of its kind here to earn about the impact these types of pregnancies can have on a woman.
We have all heard at least once that if you're over 35, you're considered too old to have a baby. Do health complications really come with older age? Well, to ease your mind, data shows that 35 is not the magic number and thirties are still okay to start or expand your family! Read more on how having babies while aging can affect you and what to keep in mind if you are "35 and older."
We all hate them, and they always show up at the worst times -- yes, I'm talking about a UTI. But what do you do when that pesky UTI shows up? Do you run to your doctor or do you use at-home remedies? Home remedies seem to be the natural first step -- but do they even work for UTI's? Find out here.
Boric acid suppositories have gained their fame for being a "natural" remedy for treatment. Although they aren't the traditional antifungals to treat yeast infections, the big question is -- do they work, and are they safe? Find out here.
Pelvic exams are important to be able to determine if you’re healthy by checking a pap smear, or checking for abnormal masses or tenderness. What is involved in a pelvic exam? Why is it uncomfortable? What’s a speculum?
HGTV star Erin Napier shared a photo of her baby bump, and some thought it was abnormal. So, what exactly is normal, and when should you be concerned? Find out here.
Some holistic medical practices have gained a lot of attention lately, including the jade egg. Many health professionals are warning against using jade eggs and that by doing so many cause potential health problems. Learn why doctors are warning women not to use them and what safe alternatives you can practice for a healthier lifestyle.
Did you know that if you time your period perfectly, you can get the best workout? At one point during your period, you experience a burst of energy, which can be the best time to workout. Here are tips to help you understand your cycle and when it's best to hit the gym.
We watch celebrities bodies bounce back after having their babies and our eyes roll. We can all agree that this isn't the case and some of us have to deal with diastasis recti. If you don't know what that is, it's when you're left with extra skin post-pregnancy -- however, it can burden you with more. To find out what causes diastasis recti and how to treat it, read here.
Cycling has become a popular and safe way to exercise at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And some cyclists have noticed that they have had more yeast infections than usual. Is the bike to blame? Find the answer and tips to help you avoid another affection here.
Spoiler alert -- becoming a vegan will not rid you of your menstrual cycles' monthly return. Recent vegan vloggers have claimed that having your period means your body is toxic and that it's toxicity leaving your body. This is false. Periods are a natural part of your bodies function and are not toxic. Find out more information here about how veganism has no relationship to your period and why you shouldn't worry.
We understand that the closer you get to your labor day, the more uncomfortable it can get, so -- is there anything out there that can help you push your baby out sooner? Here are some things that people swear helped push their little on out faster, but does it really work? Read here.
Postpartum depression is very real and more common than we think. Alanis Morisette shares…thank you Alanis for opening up to help others!
TikTok trends – pregnancy nose!!! What is it and why did it gain so much traction?
Are you thinking about if exclusive breastfeeding might be an option for you? Well, sorry to break it to you, but it's rough. There are many benefits to it, but there are also many struggles. Read here to learn about what it's like to exclusively breastfeed and some of the strains you may encounter.
If your doctor has said it's okay, you're allowed to work out when you're pregnant and it's actually recommended but, you should listen to your body when it tells you that it has had enough. For Ashley Graham, many moms were amazed at how she was able to do intense workouts during her third trimester, however, it has a lot to do with how active you were before. Read here to learn how important it is to talk with your doctor before working out and tips to stay fit and active while pregnant.
Everything you eat eventually goes to your baby - that's why it's important to be mindful about what you're eating. What you eat now can have life-long effects on your child's health. Here are seven foods you should avoid eating for you and your baby's health while pregnant.
Did you know that before Pap smears were invented, cervical cancer was one of the leading causes of death for women? There are many common misconceptions of what a Pap test is, why we get them and what for. Here, you can learn 11 interesting things about when and why to get one done.
Think it's safe to have unprotected sex when you first start your birth control? Everyone's cycle and reaction when first starting the pill is different. Find out here if it's a good idea and how effective these little pills really are at the beginning.
Lube, lube, lube!! So many optionsl!! What should you look for to find the perfect lubrication for you?!
Have you ever wondered if you can flip your breeched baby in your womb? Although there are many techniques and recommendations out there to help you and the baby, a breeched baby can change everything for how your labor and pregnancy goes. Read here to learn about the different techniques and to help start a conversation with your doctor.
Do you wonder if the parents buy three birthday cakes each year, do the kids take turns with picking their favorite cakes? Check out this interesting article and story!
Another TikTok trend – what’s a deflating pregnant belly and should it be done?
Surgery is never in the cards when you think of the day you give birth to your baby, but sometimes c-sections are the only option to keep both mom and baby safe. It's commonly known that once you've had a cesarean, you may not be able to have a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) immediately after. However, you might be able to under the right circumstances. Learn who typically qualifies for a VBAC, its' risks and benefits here.
Have you ever felt cramp-like symptoms during or after an orgasm? Sex is supposed to be fun, right? So, ever wanted to know what causes this to happen? Read here to learn and how to start a conversation with your doctor.
How does plan B work and why would you take it? What is plan B? If you’re reading this and had an oops you may want to click on here and learn more about plan B …and then other birth control options to determine what’s right for you.
If you are experiencing hair loss after your pregnancy, don't freak out. Post pregnancy can bring a lot of different side effects, but hair loss is usually not talked about - until now. Read here about a hair stylist that sees this all the time and actively posts about it. There isn't much you can do to prevent it, but know that there are other women out there dealing with it with you.
YES!! Also what if you’re on birth control?
Nothing is scarier than a virus that shows little to no symptoms sometimes, however, that's a reality with HPV. Even worse, this virus has links to cause cancer -- thankfully there are solutions to help prevent it. Read here to learn about how this virus affects women and men and how extremely effective the HPV vaccine is.
Public service announcement - imagine forgetting about your tampon when it's inside your vagina. Now imagine getting it stuck. Shocking, but it's actually common. How dangerous can these actually be to your body? Read and find out.
Everyone knows and makes jokes about hormones going out of wack during pergnancy, however, nobody seems to open up about their hormones being crazy postpartum. Read here to learn how common this is and how to start the conversion with your doctor.
We can all agree that when breasts or nipples become itchy - it can make for an uncomfortable day. Whether you're pregnant, just had your baby, an athlete or washing too much, here are 11 reasons why they become itchy and how to help them.
If you suffer from having recurrent yeast infections, a simple change in your lifestyle can help prevent the next one from coming. It's important to know that some infections may seem like a yeast infection, but actually isn't one at all. Here are some tips to help lower your chance of getting a yeast infection and when you should medicate or talk to your doctor.
If your boobs get bigger during your period, it's totally normal - don't worry! Here are tips that can help with symptoms that come with bigger boobs during your cycle. However, it's recommended talking with a doctor that is familiar with your body for a more personalized treatment if necessary.
Diaphragms are starting to make a rebound as an option for birth control - do you know what that means? They are a great way to take advantage of birth control hormone free, but is it as effective as the popular pill? Find out here everything you need to know and decide if diaphragms might be a good fit for you.
If you're thinking about getting off birth control, you need to know what can happen when you stop taking the pill. Depending on the pill and your body, you may have different reactions. Before making a decision, it's important to talk to your doctor and understand the different symptoms you can experience as you throw the daily routine away.
Poop -- one topic women do not like to talk about during pregnancy. You may have noticed that your bowel movements can go from constipation to diarrhea, but don't worry, it's normal. Here are some reasons why this happens and tips to help make your next trip to the bathroom more pleasant.
Did you know that you can help deliver your own baby? It's a common practice -- but certain things have to go right during labor for this to happen. Read here to learn what things have to go right to help deliver your own baby and how to give your doctor a heads up before labor day.
What is a queef? Does it mean anything is wrong? What if it occurs during sex?
Yes you can!! Gain some knowledge to know what types of stds and if there’s a way to avoid it!
There are different types of ovarian cysts…and the type determines the symptoms and how you manage it. It’s not a one size fits all like a comfy tshirt!
Hillary Duff highlighted how she experienced a stabbing pain in her vagina that prompted her to contact her midwife. Lightning crotch, a pregnancy side effect that certainly isn't pleasant, but is it normal? Read here to learn if you should be concerned when it happens, when it usually occurs and tips to alleviate your pain.
When dealing with your period, it is all about trial and error to find a menstrual product that works for you. If you frequently get infections or are frustrated with what you currently use, maybe itss time to try something new. Here, you can read a first-hand review about the benefits of menstrual cups and the freedom you have to have a more pleasant cycle.
Cervical cancer is on the rise and is killing women at a higher rate than previously thought. Thankfully, you can be screened for this disease and take a preventative vaccine. Watch this video to learn the many steps you can take to stay on top of your body's health and help prevent cervical cancer.
We already know that birth can take a few days, but can you imagine it taking up to 10 days? For lotus births, it can take that long to complete the process. With its rising popularity, it is not recommended for the health of your baby to be brought into the world by lotus birth. Read here to learn about what a lotus birth is and why doctors are warning woman to stay away from it.
A lot of conversation is buzzing about the connection between flu shots and miscarriages. Do flu shots cause a higher chance of miscarriages? Should you get a flu shot while you are pregnant? All of these questions are answered here and recommendations to protect you and your baby.
You know that saying "everything is good in moderation?" Exercising is encouraged and beneficial to your vagina's health, but it is important to know the do's and dont's when you're on your gym grind. Here are seven unexpected workout habits that can actually damage your health.
As you prepare for labor, it's important to look at your options when it comes to delivering your baby comfortably. Epidural is one of the most popular drugs used to make birth easier, however, you should understand some of the risks. Learn how epidural is administered, some of the side effects and how to start the conversation with your doctor about if it's right for you here.
According to a recent study, having regular sex can help you go into menopause at a later age -- so, this is good news right? Read here to learn about what menopause is and why sex and menopause might have something to do with one another.
We all know that pregnancy isn't going to be the easiest thing in life. What if I told you that there are ways you can prepare for the big day from day one? Here are some techniques to help make your labor much more pleasant.
One obvious symptom during pregnancy is swollen feet. Our bodies can react differently from pregnancy to pregnancy, which happened to Chontel Duncan, an Australian fitness trainer. Chontel documented how dramatically different her swollen feet problem was during her first pregnancy versus her second. Read here to learn why your feet may swell and tips to help make the swelling go down.
If becoming pregnant is something that is difficult for you, then you have already done your research for techniques that help. However, have you heard about this 100-year old fertility method that can help increase your chances of becoming pregnant? Read here to learn about how this procedure works and how it may help you.
The first visit to an OB/GYN can stir up a lot of questions, but for some, it can be nerve-racking. Here, you can learn tips and what to look out for to create long-lasting relationships between you and your OB/GYN.
Can you run when pregnant? That’s a common question asked when newly pregnant. Read how this Olympian did it!! Hint - keep your body from being overheated!!!
Pregnancy, the superpower to be able to bring life into this world also comes with super powerful headaches. Headaches are normal during pregnancy, but if they are worse than anything you've had before, talk to your doctor. Here are some tips to help you battle your headaches, but also what issues to keep in mind if anything feels out of the ordinary.
No -- your vagina won't close up if you stop having sex. But, if you're thinking about taking a break from sex, here are some things that actually can happen to your body.
Stigmas and judgements are meant to be broken, stepped on and kicked like a big mushroom in a pasture! Babies need to come out and sometimes, it’s not how we planned. Check out how some heroic moms are wanting to help!
When thinking about comfortable underwear, wool is not the first thing that comes to mind. Itchy and hot are the first words many think of when we hear the word "wool". What if I told you that isn't the case and are better year-round than cotton? Learn here how wool underwear is the new staple and if it's right for you.
Did you know that there are several different types of birth control? If you're thinking about getting on the pill, it's important to know what type of birth control will work best with your lifestyle. Here, you can learn how it works, any side effects it may have and what types are out there.
Why would your vagina burn? It’s not always a sexually transmitted infection! Check out the many reasons!
We have heard about postpartum depression (PPD) for women -- but what about men? It's hard to imagine that men suffer from PPD alongside women, but it's true. Mental health awareness is important to discuss, especially when your family dynamic changes. Learn about what causes men PPD, it's symptoms and what to do if they think they have it.
Endometriosis affects 11 percent of women in the United States, so do you know the signs you should look out for? It's important to know what is normal and what signs you should talk to your doctor about. Here, you can learn what endometriosis is, what symptoms should you look out for and what factors can increase your risk of developing it.
Kegels - a workout that makes some women too embarrassed and shy to openly talk about. If that's you, but you want to learn more with anonymity, then this is your golden ticket. Read here to learn everything you need to know about kegels. From benefits to where to buy kegel balls, this has you covered.
You've just gotten an intrauterine device (IUD) inserted and now you think you can finally go on with your life until it needs to be replaced. That's technically true, however, it's important to check on your strings from time to time just to make sure everything is still okay. Read here to learn why it's important to do this and how to do it.
Have you ever heard of the nonstress test? It's a test that keeps a record of your baby's heart rate. It is only asked to be completed for special cases and isn't always required. Read here to learn when this test is recommended, what the process is like and when it's a good time to do it.
Do you soak through a pad or tampon every hour? Do you have to wake up in the middle of the night to change your tampon or pad? Do you avoid certain activities because of how heavy your flow is? If you answered yes to these questions, then chances are, you have a heavy period. Find out the six groups of women who are more at risk to have a heavy flow and what you can do if you're one of them here.
Are you expecting twins - maybe quadruplets? It's important to understand the many challenges you and your little ones may face during a multiple birth. Learn what to expect and how to keep important communication open between you and your doctor.
Processes like IVF can be stressful and hard, but for this couple, the process was worth the wait. Have you ever wanted to learn more about different methods of fertilization? Read here to learn about this couples journey with IVF and other methods of fertilization.
It's true - you can pass a yeast infection to your partner even though it's not a sexually transmitted infection. It's important to know what signs to look out for and that men can receive it as well. Read here to learn more about what a yeast infection is and how to deal with it (or try to avoid it.)
Endometriosis is a condition that can not only affect your menstrual cycle -- but can also affect your sex life. If endometriosis makes gives you pain before, during or after sex, here are five expert tips that will allow you to have a more enjoyable and stress-free time.
Picture yourself in labor, and you find out you're not delivering just one baby, but you're delivering two. That is what happened to this mom, who describes the moment as the "second ring of fire." Learn about this new duel mommy as she shares her labor story and why doctors were not able to catch the second baby.
TikTok trends – pregnancy nose!!! What is it and why did it gain so much traction?
Your first pregnancy might have felt like prepping for a marathon, so the next one should be a breeze, right? It's important to note that each pregnancy is different, which is why Chrissy Teigen went to social media to explain that her second pregnancy was different from the beginning. Read here to learn why the body reacts differently to each pregnancy and that there is no reason to freak out.
Every woman should know what ovarian cysts are. But first, there is no reason to freak out -- they're pretty common. Ovarian Cysts are usually not talked about a lot, but It's important to know what they are and what to keep in mind.
A recent study showed that there is a relationship between veganism, B12 deficiency and preterm birth. You should know by now that your diet is key to having a healthy and comfortable pregnancy. It's important to talk to your doctor about your diet lifestyle to make sure you and your baby stay healthy. To learn more about the relationship between B12 and preterm birth, read here.
Are you having your first baby or looking for advice with your next newest family member? Here are some book recommendations that cover a wide range of topics like labor anxiety, best baby gear and parenting advice.
Imagine being pregnant and your abdomen weighs 44 pounds - my back hurts just thinking about it. Well, this is caused by multiple births, and it's becoming more common. Whether you're expecting triplets or wondered what happens to your body when pregnant with more than one baby, Maria Jorstad documented just that. Read what she went through while pregnant with triplets from daily life, doctor visits to labor.
It doesn’t happen often thankfully, but it’s still possible for a baby to be cut during a Cesarean. Some things can increase the risk and we do our best to prevent it.
What makes your vagina wet? It starts with the sexual excitement phase! And sometimes, it doesn’t happen…so that’s where lube comes into play!
Expecting your first baby or just want a good laugh? These moms kept it real when talking about what it's like giving birth and give you tips on how to deal with it afterward at the hospital. Click here to learn what to bring to the hospital, what to expect and how to mentally prepare yourself.
How do you pick the right tampon for your vagina and the flow? We weren’t born knowing how to pick it out so here are some tips to help navigate.
Have you wondered what skin-to-skin is and why it's important? Well first, it gives you and your baby that instant connection and it's not just for mom and baby. Read here to learn the benefits of skin-to-skin and why it's so important.
A few questions for you -- can you get pregnant on your period? Is it possible to get an STI if you use a condom? There are a lot of stereotypes about sex and health. Read here to find out common misconceptions about sex.
We all know that sometimes visiting our OB/GYN can be really awkward -- like really awkward. But, for others, it's a piece of cake. Have you ever wanted to know what's re actually going on in an OB/GYN's mind? Here are five things your lady doctor wishes you knew before coming to their office -- and for the record, this will ease your nerves and mind.
Have you noticed that your poop changed during your period? If you ever felt like you should be alarmed, don't. This process is totally normal and there are reasons for it. Read here to learn why this happens and ways to deal with it.
Hilary Duff isn’t the only one who can experience lightning crotch! What is it and should you be concerned if experiencing it?
I get it -- going to an OB-GYN can be awkward and not exactly what you look forward to, but have you ever wondered what goes through your doctor's mind? Learn five things you should know before your next visit. P.S., we don't even notice you didn't shave your legs.
According to the American Pregnancy Association, did you know that postpartum hair loss can affect 40 to 50 percent of women? If you find yourself losing more than normal amounts of hair after pregnancy, this article explains why that is happening. Although postpartum hair loss cannot be prevented, there are ways you can help treat your hair and promote new growth.
Did you know that there is a best time to take a pregnancy test? Learn here to find out what time during the day you should take the test here. Read here to find out the peak time during the day you should take the test and why it's the best time.
Can you imagine going into labor when you didn't even know you were pregnant? Well, it actually happens and can be dangerous for the mother and baby. These are early unnoticed pregnancy signs many women miss and what you should look out for.
Women are waiting longer than ever before to settle down and start a family. So, does it really matter anymore if you wait? From decade to decade, learn here what happens to your body, mind and baby based on your age.
It's very exciting when a baby kicks in a mother's stomach for the first time. As your baby starts to become active, it's important to keep track of its kicks and should raise red flags if a day or two go by without one. This mom saved her child's life when she realized that her baby didn't move for an entire day. Read the story here and learn why keeping track of your baby's movements is critical.
A viral TikTok has suggested women to throw away underwear after 6 to 9 months. But how many of us remember how old some of our underwear is in our drawers currently? Find out here if there is an actual medical advantage to replacing your underwear after some time and if it can cause a vaginal infection if you don't.
Is it ok to steam the vagina? What is the vagina capable of??? Hint: it cleans itself!!!
Vagina melts have grabbed the attention of TikTokers and have some thinking that this can enhance their sexual experience for both partners. But is it really safe? Find out here.
Can you imagine going into labor without even realizing you were pregnant? Well, it can happen. These types of pregnancies are not only dangerous for the mom, but also for the baby. Here are some early pregnancy signs that sometimes go unnoticed.
No one likes to feel the burning sensation or very painful urinary tract infection (UTI). Are you prone to constantly getting them? There are certain things you can change in your lifestyle that can help reduce your risk of receiving one. Here are seven ways to help keep the annoying UTI away.
Ouch!! Why are you hurting if not even on your period? Is there a reason to get it checked out? Yes!!!! Plus, who wants to hurt when there are options to help?
Can you get pregnant when bleeding? Pull out method? Can you fake an orgasm
Why is your menstrual cycle becoming shorter? Does stress affect it? Hormonal cycles?
Many women think that you are going to have total control over how their labor is going to go. Sorry to be the ruiner of news -- but that's not going to happen. Your body is going to decide what needs to happen and that is okay! Read here about how this mother felt "weak" for not having a natural birth, a relatable topic for many women.
Having a twin gestation is more likely with assisted reproductive technology than natural conception. How do you know if you’re carrying twins? It may seem “convenient” to go ahead and have both kids at one time, but what are the risks?
Do you feel like you are expected to just lay there helpless while you have a bun in the oven? Well, you wouldn't be the only one that's confused about what exactly is safe and what is not while pregant. Read here to learn about why Dylan Dreyer speaks out about why she can climb ladders and paint her new baby's room is okay and what you should be cautious about while pregnant.
You might have heard about placenta pills and how some women swear by it, so a question for you. Can eating your placenta harm your baby -- or better yet, does eating your placenta after labor have any health benefits? Read how taking these pills affected her and her baby within weeks of her baby's birth.
Did you know that you can become pregnant again while you're already pregnant? It's a phenomenon that the babies aren't twins, but instead, biological siblings fertilized at different times. How does this happen? Glad you asked. Find out how Jessica Allen went through a double pregnancy and what caused it - don't worry though, this is rare.
Twins…cute yet with increased risks. How long should you remain pregnant with twins if they don’t decide for you by going into labor earlier than your due date?
Would you ever eat your placenta? Chrissy Teigen claimed that eating the placenta of her child prevented postpartum depression. Want to know if it helped and if there are any benefits to this? Read here.
Miscarriages are something no family wants to go through. Women continuously feel guilty and blame themselves when this mystery happens. Here is a doctor trying to change that. Read here to learn about a new test that can help give families the answers they need after having this unfortunate event to help understand the causes.
As your skin is stretching during pregnancy, you will become itchy from time to time. However, if you become EXTREMELY itchy, it's critical to see your doctor. Cholestasis causes pregnant women to become very itchy and can be harmful to your baby. To find out more about cholestasis and what symptoms to watch out for, read here.
What’s a menstrual cup? What are some reasons for using one and how do you pick the right one?
Have you been dropping things more than usual since you have gone further into your pregnancy? Don't worry -- you're not going crazy. Clumsiness is actually normal during pregnancy and there is a reason for this. Find out here.
How does your cycle affect workouts? What if ovulating? Do hormonal fluctuations affect your workout?
So you're having a baby, but you are conflicted about keeping up with your workout schedule. For Serena Williams, she didn't stop playing tennis and that's totally okay for mother and baby. It's important to know that you can enjoy most of the activities you did before you had your little bun in the oven, however, you should get them cleared by your doctor first. Read here.
Should you take berberine if you have polycystic ovarian syndrome? What is it? Why?
Do you think it's possible to become pregnant while you're breastfeeding your newborn child? Well, yes, it's totally possible because it became a reality for Katy Mixon. It's important to know that it's a myth that breastfeeding is a form of birth control. If you're looking to ramp up your sex life while nursing, here are some safe birth control options and recommendations.
Many people were confused to learn that Bar Refaeli became pregnant so quickly after having her first child. Back-to-back pregnancy is possible, but, is it healthy for you? Learn here about how quick turnaround pregnancies can affect you and your baby.
Are you experiencing horrible heartburn while pregnant? You aren't the only one. For Ashley Graham, she started resorting to natural remedies to help relieve her, however, doctors warn to be careful with natural remedies while pregnant. Read here to learn why heartburn happens during pregnancy and what lifestyle changes you can make to help relieve you.
Recently a study was conducted with over 60,000 babies to determine if the flu shot increases the risk of autism. Your doctor understands that you want to do the best you can for you and your baby, so let me help put your mind at ease to help you make the best decisions. Read here to learn about getting the shot while pregnant and what studies are showing.
Research shows that women going through menopause early may be at a higher risk for dementia
Pregnancy sex can be a little awkward at first and the safety of your baby might come to mind. Spoiler alert -- sex while pregnant is normal and is completely safe. To ease your mind, read here to learn how safe it is to have sex while pregnant and recommended positions that will make you feel not so awkward.
What should you do if your period is sooooo bad you miss work? Or miss out on fun things also? Read this article and reach out to your OBGYN!
Pregnancy already comes with many symptoms that you can't really prepare for -- this includes Braxton Hicks contractions. These contractions are similar to what happens during labor -- but why do we get them and when do they start? (P.S. don't worry, they're not as severe as labor contractions.)
Chrissy Teigan broke barriers when she shared her miscarriage news. But most importantly, she opened the flood gates and created a conversation between women, allowing them to share similar experiences that are usually never spoken about. Amongst the issues, Chrissy shared the condition that causes a risk of miscarriage. What is endometriosis, and can it feel like baby kicks? Read and find out.
Sweat is totally normal (down there), but how much sweat is considered normal? Throughout life, you will experience sweat and that's okay! Although, if it starts to interfere with your life, here are eight signs that you might be sweating too much.
While pregnant, your immune system changes and it's a lot easier to contract influenza or become hospitalized. So does that mean getting the flu shot will protect you and your baby? Find out here.
Pregnancy shapewear is becoming increasingly popular, and some celebrities swear by them and have even launched their own lines. Find out if shapewear supports discomfort throughout your trimesters and if it's safe to wear something tight while pregnant?
If Jessica Simpson had swollen feet during pregnancy, does that mean you can also?!